Programmable RS232 Serial Interface to USB HID Keyboard Converter

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0.20 KGS
  • Programmable RS232 Serial Interface to USB HID Keyboard Converter
  • Programmable RS232 Serial Interface to USB HID Keyboard Converter
  • Programmable RS232 Serial Interface to USB HID Keyboard Converter


This converter supports multiple working modules, can be used for programming analog keyboards, and supports modifying baud rates.

You may use this converter to convert output of serial devices such as RFID readers, Barcode readers, scales, game controllers, etc. to keyboard strokes. The converter cable works with both PC and MAC and identifies itself as an additional HID(Human Interface Device)keyboard and requires no driver installation. The converter cable draws power from USB port and requires no external power supply. Power on pin9 of RS232 is available as an option.

Serial Comms Port: * Baud Rate -1200/2400/4800/9600/14400/19200/38400/57600/115200 Bps(adjustable)
* Parity - None
* Data Bits - 8
* Stop Bits - 1
* Handshake - No
  • Unidirectional, RS232 (input) to USB type-A (output)

  • Data is presented to the USB port as HID compatible keystrokes

  • Ideal for connecting Serial RS232 Barcode Readers, Laser Scanners or Weigh Scales to a USB Type-A connector

- Converts RS232 serial to USB keyboard.
- Available in English, German and French keyboard emulations.
- Eliminates the need to install any device driver or keyboard redirector software. Simply plug it in and any serial input will become a keyboard input
- Draws power from USB port. No external power source required.
- Extended Keyboard controls allows the serial device to control PC functions by sending upper ASCII characters into the serial end of the cable.
- Connects any serial device to any operating system as a Keyboard. It works on Windows and MAC OS, Linux and Android.
- Converts RS232 port output characters of Scales, Barcode readers, RFID readers, Payment Terminal and etc. to keyboard strokes.

0x00: Working mode 0 set by software, standard USB keyboard (normal + multimedia) + USB mouse
(absolute mouse + relative mouse).
0x01: Working mode 1 set by software, standard USB keyboard (normal);
0x02: Working mode 2 set by software, standard USB mouse (absolute mouse + relative mouse);
0x03: Working mode 3 set by software, standard USB custom HID class devices;
0x00: Serial communication mode 0 set by software, protocol transfer mode;
0x01: Serial communication mode 1 set by software, ASCII mode;
0x02: Serial communication mode 2 set by software, pass-through mode;


1. Common keys and the corresponding key code table:

No. Symbol HID
No. Symbol PHag IDe CHoIde D
1 ~ ` 07 35 54 > . 07 37
2 ! 1 07 1E 55 ? / 07 38
3 @ 2 07 1F 56 Keycode56 (*BJ) 07 87
4 # 3 07 20 57 Shift (R) 07 E5
5 $ 4 07 21 58 Ctrl (L) 07 E0
6 % 5 07 22 60 Alt (L) 07 E2
7 ^ 6 07 23 61 Space 07 2C
8 & 7 07 24 62 Alt (R) 07 E6
9 * 8 07 25 64 Ctrl (R) 07 E4
10 ( 9 07 26 75 Insert 07 49
11 ) 0 07 27 76 Delete 07 4C
12 _ - 07 2D 79 Left Arrow 07 50
13 + = 07 2E 80 Home 07 4A
14 Keycode14 (*J) 07 89 81 End 07 4D
15 Back Space 07 2A 83 07 52
16 Tab 07 2B 84 07 51
17 Q 07 14 85 PgUp 07 4B
18 W 07 1A 86 PgDn 07 4E
19 E 07 08 89 07 4F
20 R 07 15 90 Num Lock 07 53
21 T 07 17 91 7 Home 07 5F
22 Y 07 1C 92 4 07 5C
23 U 07 18 93 1 End 07 59
24 I 07 0C 95 / 07 54
25 O 07 12 96 8 07 60
26 P 07 13 97 5 07 5D
27 { [ 07 2F 98 2 07 5A
28 } ] 07 30 99 0 Ins 07 62
29 Keycode29 (*4) 07 31 100 * 07 55
30 Caps Lock 07 39 101 9 PgUp 07 61
31 A 07 04 102 6 07 5E
32 S 07 16 103 3 PgDn 07 5B
33 D 07 07 104 . Del 07 63
34 F 07 09 105 - 07 56
35 G 07 0A 106 + 07 57
36 H 07 0B 107 Keycode107 (*B) 07 85
37 J 07 0D 108 Enter_R 07 58
38 K 07 0E 110 ESC 07 29
39 L 07 0F 112 F1 07 3A
40 : ; 07 33 113 F2 07 3B


41 07 34 114 F3 07 3C
42 Keycode42 (*5BJ) 07 32 115 F4 07 3D
43 Enter_L 07 28 116 F5 07 3E
44 Shift (L) 07 E1 117 F6 07 3F
45 Keycode45 (*5B) 07 64 118 F7 07 40
46 Z 07 1D 119 F8 07 41
47 X 07 1B 120 F9 07 42
48 C 07 06 121 F10 07 43
49 V 07 19 122 F11 07 44
50 B 07 05 123 F12 07 45
51 N 07 11 124 Print Screen 07 46
52 M 07 10 125 Scroll Lock 07 47
53 < 07 36 126 Pause 07 48
* 4 _ 104 Keyboard Only
* 5 _ 105 Keyboard Only
*B _ 107 Keyboard Only
*J _ 109 Keyboard Only
No. Symbol HID Page HID Code
131 (*J) Japanese J131 07 8B
132 (*J) Japanese J132 07 8A
133 (*J) Japanese J133 07 88
150 KoreaKC-L,Key_Hang
07 90
151 Korea KC-R,
07 91
ACPI Power 01 81
ACPI Sleep 01 82
ACPI Wake-up 01 83
Windows Key L_WIN 07 E3
Windows Key R_WIN 07 E7
Windows Key APP 07 65
Program samples
void main()
uchar i=0;
uint sum=0;
UsartInit();  //
//key_dat[5]=0x02;//Press shift simultaneously
key_dat[7]=0x04;//Load the key value of key a
for(i=0;i<13;i++)//Check Summing
for(i=0;i<14;i++)//Sending instructions
while(!KEY1);//Wait for the button to release
//key_dat[5]=0;//Release shift
key_dat[7]=0;//Release the button
for(i=0;i<13;i++)//Check Summing
for(i=0;i<14;i++)//Sending instructions
Please contact us to get the product manual.
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