Module parameters
Specification: 4.7*2.1*1.1 cm
Working voltage: 5v
Serial interface: 5v level TTL interface
485 interface: D - / B, GND, D + / A.
Coding switch: eight, data address for 1-8.8 as the highest level, to ON instead of 0 to 1.
TTL serial communication data format
Baud rate: 9600(the default), 19200bps to 38400bps
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Check digit: None
Flow control: None
Module communication protocol format
1. The wave code switch address is set to 0 x00 to host, can receive all the data.
2. Wave code switch address 0 x00 not for from the machine.
3. The data format for:
Host: the target address + N data
Data from the machine: source address + N
From host to the machine:
Host devices (client connection host module) in the shop sent the target address + N data.This store from desktop module according to your own address matching, target address meter module to remove the client connection in the device only received N data from desktop module.
From the machine to host:
From the machine equipment (client connection in this store from desktop module) send N data.This store from desktop module in the N data combined with its own address before sent to the host devices.The host devices (client connection host module) in the shop will receive the target address + N data.So the user can know is which from machine equipment to send data.
As shown in the figure below: